Ridin' Hood, Lookin' Good

I recently just returned from Mt. Hood where I was working at Windells Ski & Snowboard camp. Moving there for the summer was without a doubt one of the best decisions I've ever made. Everyday I took the time to enjoy the little things in life like session-ing new features each week in our private park, t-shirt weather on the glacier, getting served in the concrete jungle, and pegging kids with dodgeballs for free saga stickers.
Here's what my schedule looked like everyday:
6:30 Alarm goes off...snooze button
6:45 Wake up, grab coffee, get lift tickets
7:00 Pry remaining sleeping campers out of bed with crowbar & clean cabin
7:15 Second cup of coffee. Find the one camper still in bed if necessary use super soaker
7:30 Breakfast
8:00 Campers load vans and head to mtn
8:00 - 8:20 Cat nap
8:30 Head to Hood (3rd cup of coffee if I'm feelin jazzy)
9:00 - 2:00 Lap park (lay out at lunch and chit chat with friends, grab a cobra dog in Govy-extra cobra sauce)
2:45 Staff Meeting-"you're killin' it, pick up trash"
3:00 - 6:00 Staff Stations (My usual job was dealing candy like crack in Super Awesome Information Game Lounge or SAIGL for short.)
5:00 Video Review
5:30 - 7:00 Wait in the world's longest dinner line
7:00 Rome Thrasher night (hide n' go seek, I get to find kids and draw mustache and swastika tattoos all over their faces)
7:30 Gatorade Scavenger Hunt. (They think they're getting free gatorade but it's just an excuse for us to surprise attack them with a waterfall of Blue Glacier Freeze)
8:00 Zombie Dodgeball (I get to express my artistic creativity with face paint)
9:00 Campfire (Some nights I teach etiquette or provoke rap battles while we roast starbursts)
10:00 Back to cabins
10:30 Lights out (the girls usually talk about their crushes at camp till 11:30...which is hilarious, and I love to eavesdrop)
2 things I learned at hood: Wear sunscreen and never take the night train express.... because you won't make it home.
Labels: Cobra Dogs, Gatorade, Jessica Nichols, Mt. Hood, Night Train Express, Snowboard Camp, Timberline, Windells