Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Terry, when you're in Miami you're still an ambassador for Reno!

When I applied for college I was fortunate enough to receive the ambassador full tuition scholarship at Utah State University. For the last four years I've given tours, made phone calls, visited high schools in Idaho & Utah, and helped high school students get to college. But most importantly I had the pleasure of becoming friends with 90 of the brightest minds, kindest hearts, and funniest personalities in the state of utah. Not to mention working with my friends and advisors who helped shape my education and changed my life just by knowing them. The other day I was talking with Tad, one of my advisors, and It made me realize just how much being an ambassador at Utah State has changed my life. I probably wouldn't have moved to Utah. I probably wouldn't have lived in Ogden that summer after my freshman year. I probably wouldn't have applied for a job at the Salomon Center. I never would have become a flowboarder. I never would have had the opportunity to live in Switzerland, travel to Paris, London, or Singapore. I never would have met my best friends, shewolfs, my ambassador family, the professionals, and my flomily (flowboarding family.) It almost feels like coincidence but I know God led me to USU for a reason and for that I am thankful. I just want to say thank you for everyone who helped make my college education possible at USU. Thank you to all my friends and advisors. And of course Katie Jo, Katie Ashcroft, and my wonderful group of Freshman. It truly has been a pleasure working with you and I will miss you all dearly. I can't tell you how proud I am to call myself an Aggie.
Here's a few things I'll miss about being an ambassador (sorry if these of these are inside jokes.)
-Hanging out in the ambassador office, having life chats with Hanah Gillman and Landon Pope.
-Eating Old Grist Mill & Cafe Sabor at every university function
-Giving tours in blizzards, and running into lamp posts walking backwards
-Fall retreat. Sleeping on the lawn
-"Hang Tight" Walker Vellinga
-Tuesday mtgs (what in the world will I do with my time now on Tuesdays from 4:30-7:00?)
-Chase Pendleton
-Carrie's Candy Bowl
-Scooping Ice Cream @ Open Houses
-Rallying the University Impala w/Vanessa in Vegas
-Whitney Putnam's undying love for Beyonce. Thank you for passing that on to me.
-Wilkey's scary summer sales stories about bisexual prison inmates eeeeekk. rit it doooo
My Freshies

The whole famdamily